What is physical Ascension?

We are in intense shifting times, and a lot of Souls are choosing physical Ascension for the first time in the expansion of their Soul. This occurs when a Soul has went trough all the rites of passage and becomes ready on all levels. Eventually every Soul comes back "Home" through the Self realization of their own "I AM" Presence. In this process, we are bringing our internal polarities into inner integration of full Union. This also brings up all the timelines and energy that was previously neglected or suppressed through lack of awareness. It might have been something we were unwilling or unable to look right in the eyes, or we were too blinded by mere "Love and Light" that we were not able to see the Truth in deep discernment. The sacred alchemy of physical Ascension can only occur through the deepest integrity of Soul Union.

Physical Ascension through illumined Union is the unification of All aspects of Self, beginning with our primary Divine masculine and feminine Essence as One. 


My purpose as a White Ray focus Being is dedication to the path of physical Ascension through Devotion, Purity, Harmony, Synthesis, Goddess Liberation, Life Force mastery & Vitality. I also operate on several other rays and Galactic rays of multidimensional Ascension, but my primary ray of Earth focus is the White Ray.

Have You ever wondered about your own RAY OF PURPOSE? I have created a mini course on 7 RAYS OF CREATION & THEIR PURPOSE IN ASCENSION. How do we serve on these various Rays as color extensions of Source? You can get the course/channeling here!


The journey of physical Ascension through illumined Union is a journey of true mastery and bringing all the Trinity Principles of Life into physical embodiment. I have created a COURSE PACKAGE that focuses on all of these principles which assist our Human body Ascension through deep understanding and physical integration.

 The course consists of 3+1 parts. The Organic Ascension courses consist of: 

The Vessel Principle
The Life Force Principle
The Ascension Principles

 The BONUS course is about Cosmic Ray mastery, with the emphasis on Earth Core/template work of Cosmic Life Pulse and planetary Life Force unification, deep embodiment work and anchoring practice, as well as the understanding of the Fire body and advanced energy work practices.



Welcome to the New Human Body course, which is a journey of physical Ascension through the merge of the illumined Light body consciousness and the evolving biological Human form. The New Human body is often described as the "crystalline" body or the "Rainbow" body, which is a creation within the New Human template. This is a highly intelligent Divine design that reflects the immaculate design of Divine Perfection and it therefore mimics the Source Code of our own unique design. The process of the New Body creation is quite an undertaking for all individuals within the sovereign Being path. It is a way of becoming Self born through the process of Self initiated genesis of Life. When the illumined aspects of us begin to operate through us in the Human form, the form itself begins to unify and therefore it begins to experience major changes in the physical body. The New Body design is based on an unconditional relationship between Spirit and body, which are merged in a way that co-creates the illumined body or the radiant body of Light, while we are still holding physical form. This occurs through the illumined/Light DNA translation into our physical DNA. This is the exact translation of our Source code into our Human design, which then becomes independent from all external forms of inception, manipulation and control based on first separation from Source that creates duality. The New Body is a sovereign Creation of our own unique design for Life that is created from the Essence level. In this course You will be taken through this process and the various influences that play a major role in it, in order to activate your New Body template and begin the "Self born" process integration.

The course consists of 2 parts. The first part focuses on the illumined template integration process, while the second part ("the addendum") goes deeper into the nature of mutation and physical assimilation. 
It best to take the information of the course in slowly and take the proper time to gradually integrate it through your own Soul awareness!

The New Human Body Light activation is an additional tool (to accompany the course), to work with for complete sovereign body mastery of a Self born Being.




You can walk yourself into an understanding of the nature of physical Ascension with the Physical Ascension Gateway that I co-created together with Master Serapis Bey and Holy Spirit, for those who are seeking true Soul liberation in Unity consciousness. 

Note: This activation was channeled after a powerful 8-8-8 Mastery Gateway, and is therefore a calling for all those Initiates of Spirit who truly wish to step fully on the journey of physical Ascension.



You can also walk yourself into an understanding of the nature of becoming a Divine Lover of All Life in Creation, the embodiment of Purity and Divine Love, through the Blessing of the Holy Mother, the Giver of Life ... eventually becoming the Essence of Life Giver yourself!

Note: This activation was channeled during a powerful Divine Love Gateway on 15.8., which is Mother Mary's Assumption day of the Holy Mother celebration, and is therefore a calling for all those Initiates of Divine Love who truly wish to step fully on the journey of Divine Love embodiment in perfect Purity and Grace.
Physical Ascension is about becoming more and more crystalline in our conscious reality, merging crystalline Creation levels with our physical Being. This means that we are bringing the Light body illumined template into our physical form and helping to increase the Cosmic body intelligence of our current physical embodiment. We are beginning to understand and embody the Crystalline levels of Creation as ascending Humans, crystal children of Light and Masters of the New/incoming Cosmic energy. And as we are creating new inner realms, we are becoming the New Homo Luminous, the NEW HUMANS.

The process that we call physical Ascension is an alchemical path of resurrection in the physical body through Soul embodiment, and through this "synthesis" our Soul awareness is able to anchor itself into the physical body consciousness. This is how we descend/anchor our Spirit ("I AM") into our physical body through the Essence of the Soul = the Holy Trinity of our Being as the Father, Mother and the Christ (child).

This is where it gets a lot more intense and committed for many on the Ascension path ... and those Souls know who they are! You are not alone ... so keep on walking! Your Light matters to many, and it illuminates like the Light of the thousand Suns!

It is time to level up some more ... and continue stepping up!
The Great Ones are calling us!
The Self is calling us!

Dive deep into your personal Ascension through the activation of the Ascension March, which holds the Light attunement to the White Ray of devotion to Ascension and Unity consciousness: